Dr. (Prof.) Ujjal Chatterjee
Nation's progress in the field of dental science, by way of imparting high-quality education and in providing dental treatment, has been outstanding and at par with international standards. BIDSH feels proud and pleasure to mention its achievements in developing and promoting oral health strategies by training appropriately the oral health personal. There has been a quantum shift in the institute's offering and activities; it has come up as a forum for exchange of ideas, dissemination of professional information, creation of expertise and above all stimulation of awareness of oral health. Dental sciences is one of the specialized branch of medicine which is under-going super-specialization like other branches of medicine and surgery.
Buddha Institute of Dental Sciences & Hospital stands well recognized for its efficiency not only in teaching purposes but in rendering efficient services to ailing mass which is being complimented by the patients and society, monitoring increase in number of patients rapidly. We, at BIDSH are pleasantly surprised and even proud to discover that many of the innovations BIDSH has imbibed over the years a relatively recent additions to the dental fraternity.
BIDSH will foster a spirit of leadership among the budding dental surgeon and be vibrant learning organization in the field of dentistry training and research and to establish the institute with an attitude of contrast achievement, inner strength and care for environment and society through innovative intellectual inputs. At the completion of the 38 years and towards the year 2022 and beyond, the institute is expected to meet more challenges arising from changes in the socio-economics of the society, increasing levels of awareness, pedagogical innovations and fast changes in the technological inputs. The stronghold of our institue is highly experienced and keen teaching faculty who strive hard to implement our vision and mission.To attract and retain outstanding teachers and students, we are emphasizing for strengthening the research programs in inter disciplinary area with a special focus on the regional and local needs by introducing Post Graduate Courses in all the nine branches fulfilling all the requirement of Dental Council of India, the highest regulatory body of dental education of our country, We together are committed to make our institute an outstanding place of learning and quality provider of community services.